Turning Point Scotland, Head of Alcohol and Other Drugs, Patricia Tracey: “We provide a variety of evidence-based services, including the Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Recovery Residential Stabilisation service.

“This Turning Point Scotland service supports individuals with a primary focus of stabilising their alcohol and/or drug use. During this period of stabilisation, individuals will be supported to achieve positive outcomes and develop skills to improve resilience and confidence in order to maintain stability and facilitate reintegration into the community.

“While we acknowledge the commitments of the Scottish Government our frustration has peaked due to a continued lack of progress.

“Despite the allocation of £18 million in January to develop stabilisation and crisis care services, our organisation and key partners have been unable to access this vital funding.

“This is just one example of this public health emergency not being treated as the crisis it is, while the number of preventable drug-related deaths continue to grow.

“We have seen in recent times, the rapid response to other public health emergencies including the Covid-19 pandemic and are left to ask, why are we not seeing this response replicated?”