Kathleen (Kate) Kirkpatrick from Dumfries and Galloway was presented with Turning Point Scotland’s Wendy Spencer Award for going the extra mile and consistently exemplifying the organisational values of respect, compassion, inclusion and integrity.

The award ceremony took place on Tuesday 24th October in Glasgow, as part of Turning Point Scotland’s bi-annual Staff Conference, which brought together around 150 staff members from across the country.

Kathleen, who has been with the organisation for almost 15 years, was nominated by Service Manager, Lorna Adams, along with over 30 other nominees from various services across Scotland. The winner of the award is decided by a committee of individuals supported by Turning Point Scotland services.

Service Manager, Lorna Adams, said

“Kate is not frightened of a challenge. She has gained outcomes with and for the people she supports that we can only imagine. Kate is highly regarded by families and guardians of the people we support and local medical professionals have said Kate makes their job so much easier while raising awareness of supporting individuals with learning disabilities and complex needs. Nothing phases Kate, she always finds a solution to any problem. Congratulations Kate.”

Lorna Adams