North Lanarkshire Alcohol and Other Drugs Crisis Outreach
North Lanarkshire Alcohol and Other Drugs Crisis Outreach provides a rapid response to near-fatal overdose, which provides a short, focused period of support for individuals to reduce drug related harm and death.
The service provides outreach response, crisis outreach and crisis response.
The release of Turning Point Scotland and Simon Community Scotland Overdose Response Teams Evaluation provided evidence of the success of overdose response teams, originally a Test of Change pilot in late 2020. This new service has been commissioned by North Lanarkshire Council after building on this evidence and assessing local need.
We also work with people who find it hard to engage with services intervening with wrap around support, which may include an intensive response for people experiencing a crisis.
The team has a rapid person-centred outreach response. The aim is to increase engagement with alcohol and other drug services, support people at risk, deliver harm reduction interventions that includes injecting equipment and overdose awareness.