Edinburgh Visiting Housing Support
This service supports people at risk of experiencing homeless, currently experiencing homelessness or who have recently experienced homelessness to move to or keep settled accommodation and gain independent living skills.
In 2024, Turning Point Scotland were awarded two of the four localities for visiting housing support in Edinburgh, the north east and south east.
The service provides visiting housing support and preventative support. We support people to transition into temporary accommodation, move on to permanent accommodation and ensure they sustain this tenancy. Each locality will delivery 25% of their work ‘upstream’, supporting people already in a tenancy to sustain this and prevent homelessness happening in the first place.
To refer to this service, please use this link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=d-71QQ-NDkKy-8ZENlxaSF6GB_98k65FjHViFi4HSkFUOTlXTFE5NkUyMTg4QVVKUlRZQjZOTDVVSi4u